rarejob 2012/11/22

It's the second day to record my lesson log on my blog.

I try continuing it as long as possible and never quit easily !


[Lesson] Article Discussion

[Tutor] Rogelyn

[Today's Article] 

Clinton Accepts Responsibility for Benghazi Attack



US embassy in benghazi, Livia was bombed and some US Ambassador are killed on Sep 11 ,2012.

Obama's ambador said that it was spontaneous reaction to anti-Isram video posted by an amateur American. On the other hand, other US official said that the attack was planned by terrorists group.

The problem was lacking of security of embassies. Ambassador requested to increase security but it was still not increased. 

I think a leader shuld be held responsible for the mistakes or failures of employees.



[New Expressions]

do you plan on going out with your friends tomorrow?

 It must be an accident

he will try to avoid the next accident.


[New Words]

chik flick = girlre movie

retaliate = revenge, fight back ,get back, have vengeance

spontaneous = happenning with out plan  トラブルではないよ